Cannabis & Driving

Driving a vehicle while under the influence of cannabis is illegal and dangerous.

Lets’s face it; you are not a safe driver when you’re high. Cannabis affects your judgment, coordination and reaction time, and increases your chances of being involved in a collision.

Being barely high is still too high to drive – don’t risk your future or your life. Never get behind the wheel after using cannabis!

How to avoid impaired driving

Impairment from cannabis begins almost immediately and can last up to 4 hours or more, depending on factors such as THC levels and how it is consumed. The effects can last longer if you’re a new user, have consumed a lot or have combined cannabis with alcohol.

Since the effects of cannabis vary, there is no way to know exactly how long to wait before it’s safe to drive. Even if you think the high has worn off, your ability to drive may still be impaired.

The best way to avoid impaired driving is to not take a chance. Plan another way home:

  • have a designated driver
  • use public transport
  • call a friend or family member for a ride
  • call a taxi or ride share
  • stay overnight.

Enforcement and penalties

Police have tools and tests to detect impaired drivers, including roadside drug screening equipment and sobriety tests.

If a police officer finds that you are impaired by any drug or alcohol, you will face serious penalties, including:

  • an immediate licence suspension
  • financial penalties
  • possible vehicle impoundment
  • possible criminal record
  • possible jail time.

Transporting cannabis

Similar to the rules for alcohol, it is illegal to transport cannabis in a motorised vehicle (such as a car or boat) if it is:

  • open (“unfastened”) and not in its original packaging
  • not packed in baggage and is readily available to anyone in the vehicle
  • It is illegal to take cannabis across the border. For information on transporting cannabis in an airplane within South Africa, check with your airline.

For more information, read the 2020 Cannabis Bill (PDF).

Disclaimer: This article is about cannabis usage in South Africa, which may or may not be legal in your country. Neither Cooking with Cannabis Club nor its partners or advertisers encourage or endorse any irresponsible behaviour or illegal activity. If you choose to use cannabis, please do so responsibly and only where permitted by law.

1 thoughts on “Cannabis & Driving

  1. Pingback: Cannabis Edibles – Cooking with Cannabis

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